Meaning of Bible Numbers
The meaning and symbology behind the numbers in the Bible. This can help you to better understand them and in turn to better understand GOD.
The numbers in the Bible often carry symbolic meanings and significance.
Here are some examples:
Meaning of the Number 1 in the Bible:
"One" represents unity, singleness, and primacy. It is often used to describe God's oneness and supremacy, such as in the phrase "The Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deuteronomy 6:4).
Meaning of the Number 2 in the Bible:
The number "Two" in the Bible represents duality, division, and contrast. It is often used to represent pairs or opposites, such as light and darkness, good and evil, or male and female.
The number "Two" in the Bible can also mean a double portion or blessing.
Meaning of the Number 3 in the Bible:
The number "Three" in the Bible represents completeness, perfection, and the Trinity.
It is often used to symbolize the three persons of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) or the three aspects of human nature (body, soul, and spirit).
Meaning of the Number 4 in the Bible:
The number "Four" in the Bible represents stability, balance, and the earth. It is often used to describe the four corners of the earth or the four seasons.
Meaning of the Number 5 in the Bible:
the Bible meaning of number 5 comes from God's goodness, grace, and favor.
The number five is used to describe the five loaves and two fish that Jesus used to feed the five thousand (Matthew 14:17) and how God's Grace come through His Son, Jesus "The Christ" of Nazareth to feed the multitude (the crowd) that stayed with him most of the day and they had not eaten that whole time with Him.
Meaning of the Number 6 in the Bible:
"Six" represents imperfection, sin, and man's fallibility. It is often associated with the number of the Beast in Revelation 13:18 (see Meaning of the Number 666).
What the Number 7 Means in the Bible:
The number "Seven" represents completion, perfection, and God's covenant. It is often used to describe...
the seven days of God's creation process in Genesis Chapter 1.
day 1 Light out of Darkness
day 2 Creating Heavens and the Earth
day 3 God separates the waters (seas) to reveal the land and create the plants and trees.
day 4 The Sun and the Moon with the stars and the 4 Seasons.
day 5 The birds of the air(beasts of the air/winged fowl) and the fish (small and great) of the seas
day 6 The animals (beasts) and insects (crawling) and man (human).
day 7 God Rested and said, "It is Good".
the seven days in a week and the 7th day (like in the Creation Story) is the Shabbat (day of rest/Holy Day).
Revelation has many references to the number seven,
seven seals
seven trumpets
seven bowls
Bible Number 8 Meaning:
the Number "eight" in the Bible means new beginnings and resurrection. It is often related to the eighth day of creation when God rested and blessed the earth, and Jesus is recorded to have appeared 8 (eight) times since His resurrection.
Meaning of the Number 9 in the Bible:
The number "Nine" in the Bible represents judgment and finality. It is often associated with the nine plagues in Egypt and the nine fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23.
Meaning of the Number 10 in the Bible:
The number "Ten" in the Bible represents completeness and the law/"perfection". It is often related to and describes the Ten Commandments or the ten plagues in Egypt. The Law of God/Moses is Perfect. The total destruction of Egypt in the Exodus of the Jews in the Bible was complete. It humbled the Pharaoh to submit to the request of God and Moses, "Let My People Go!"
Meaning of the Number 11 in the Bible:
The number "Eleven" in the Bible is seen as the number of destruction, disorder, and confusion.
Meaning of the Number 12 in the Bible
The number "Twelve" in the Bible is seen as the number of Spiritual authority, Government, and order.
Meaning of the Number 13 in the Bible
The number "Thirteen" in the Bible is seen as the number of Apostasy; Rebellion, and Depravity.
Meaning of the Number 666 in the Bible:
The number "Six hundred and sixty-six" or also referred to in the KJV Bible as "six hundred threescores (a score in old English is the sum of 20,[3 x's 20=60] and six." Bible verse 666 can be found in the book of Revelation 13:18 KJV
to be continued...