Abel and Cain in the Bible
This is the story of Abel & Cain. It's a story of jealousy and the first recorded murder. You will also see what are the after-effects of this murder.
Abel and Cain in the Bible
In the Bible Cain and Able can be found in Genesis chapter 4.
The Birth of Cain the Bible then Able.
Adam has just returned from getting water at a river near by the campsite and sets the animal skin bag filled with water next to the tent entrance and checks the sturdiness of the first tent that he built with his hands. This tent is to cover and protect himself and his wife Eve, from the blazing sun and cut down the heat of the day. Hanging on one of the tent ropes anchored to the ground are a set of animal skins drying in the sun.
"Adam!", Eve calls from within the tent. "Are you done out there? I have something in here for you."
Adam enters the tent. His eyes must adjust from the brightness of the sun to the shaded darkens of the tent made of animal skins. This was his first tent, which is covered from all sides with one opening on the front side of the tent to protect them both from the sun and the wind of the wilderness.
Back in the garden, Eden, he had everything provided for him; shelter, food, water, and he didn't need clothing because of the Glory of God's presence that protected him and his wife from the shame that came with the eating of the fruit of the tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. Their nakedness was then revealed and they now need to cover themselves with clothing of animal skins.
As his eyes adjust to the darkness within the covered tent.
"Adam, I think I need some new clothes. The first ones I had to wash and are still hanging out to dry."
Eve is laying on a makeshift bed composed of a stack of hay (that they managed to get before leaving Eden) lined with animal skins as a bed sheet. Before him is a sight that he has not seen since the fall, the nakedness of Eve. The first time was a shock to them both and the shame that came along with that fall from God's Grace (His covering). Today has a different feel about it. His heart starts to beat faster, his mouth is gaped open and no words come out of it. His eyes are fixed on her, his loin cloth begins to rise.
9 months later
"It hurts, like no pain I have ever felt before!.", Eve screams and grimaces as sweat pours down her face. She squats in the center of the tent griping a rope looped through the center post of the tent. Her belly has swollen over these past few months after her custom of women (her menstrual cycle) had stopped over 8 lunar cycles ago. Adam has seen and witnessed the birthing of the animals he's named in the garden, but this is the first time he's had someone who could speak to him about what she's going through. The words and names she's called Adam, so far are not anything that I can or should mention on this post. Let's just leave it as the birth pains talking and not Adam's wife, Eve.
"God did say,'Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.'(Genesis 3:16 kjv)", Adam shrugs as he wipes the sweat from Eve's brow and gazes nervously into her eyes.
Adam's eyes widen as Eve growls and snarls, "I THINK IT'S COMING!!!"
Adam reaches his hands under Eve's loin cloth (this one of now many that she owns) to catch their firstborn son, whom they name... Cain, meaning "smiths" in the Kenite tongue.
Able is Conceived and Born
A couple of months later, after Eve had nursed Cain and put him to sleep. Adam was hoping to also enjoy the milk-engorged breasts of his wife, seeing as this is the first time they have ever been this size. Adam embraces Eve from behind her with his strong arms and kisses her neck. Her head leans back on his shoulder, and she lets out a soft moan and gasps as his hands move up from her waist, his loin cloth again begins to rise...
Nine months later, Abel (meaning breath), is born.
Years have passed and the two brothers have now grown up to become men.
The sun rises over the distant mountain range near the land of Nod. Abel steps out of his tent and stretches reaching for the sky and praising the God of his father, Adam. Abel thinks back to the story of how The God of creation had with His own hands formed from the earth and breathed His "Spirit" creating Man kind and naming the first, Adam.
"Elohim, I thank you for this day, the flocks of my father's herds to tend and my brother who watches over me," Abel shouts towards the open sky.
"Stop all the shouting," Cain shuffles out of his tent, one eye open and the other still trying to avoid the breaking sunlight from reaching it. "Ahh, can't you just for once be quiet? I have a headache from the wine I drank last night," Cain continues to grumble as he gathers a sack of seeds and drags it across the ground toward the field.
to be continued...
Ya-Way.com Creative License for these stories are written from the imagination and dedication of each other's perspective of the Bible's description of the events we write about. We are taking on a creative license to fill in blanks or to better set up the story, but we do and will stay within the Biblical narrative that we have access to and just use our creative license to fill in space and build more of a foundation for entertainment purpose, to draw you into the narrative and God's Word.